A lunch date with fellow Siren author Jennifer Denys

September 21, 2012

On the very first day of September 2012, I travelled to Lincoln to meet with fellow Siren author Jennifer Denys.
Steep Hill, Lincoln © Copyright (Dave Hitchborne)
and licensed for reuse / CC BY-SA 2.0

As I walked up the long steep hill (yes, it is that steep!) to our meeting place just outside Lincoln Cathedral gates, I wondered how our lunch date would go. Would we get on? Would we even like each other?

I needn’t have worried. We both felt at ease with each other, and found ourselves talking throughout the whole two and half hour lunch in the Magna Carta ~ A pub close to Lincoln Cathedral.

Like myself, Jennifer has done a lot of research, finding out what genre sells the best. I think the fact that we both write BDSM novels speaks volumes. Of course we’re always on the look out for that elusive book that will thrust us into the limelight, big time. It happened to E L James with her Fifty Shades of Grey, so you never know. 🙂

Jennifer Denys also writes for Evernight Publishing, and her latest book, Retraining the Sub has already reached bestselling status at ARE/ Evernight, and Amazon. I recently had the pleasure of reading Luke and Ann’s story. It’s a captivating BDSM book that re-unites long lost lovers, who at the time of their separation were not ready to marry. Now eight years later, they are totally different people, but before they can have their HEA, there’s just the small matter of Retraining the Sub. It’s available from Bookstrand HERE.

I love the cover for this book It really catches the eye and makes one want to read it!

Jennifer has recently celebrated her 1st anniversary since becoming a published author. All her books can be found HERE

I took my camera to Lincoln, but sadly the batteries refused to work! Luckily, Jennifer had a camera that functioned and she sent me a photograph of us both.

We both had a great time in Lincoln, and I’m sure we’ll meet again. Jennifer lives in Yorkshire and I’ve heard York is a very lovely city, so watch this space…..


  • Jennifer Denys September 21, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    Thanks., Jan. looking forward to our next meeting.

  • Jan Bowles September 21, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    Hi, Jennifer

    You made it to Finland, okay!!

    Have a great time.

    Jan x

  • Lace Daltyn September 26, 2012 at 4:13 pm

    Hi, Jan! I'm way late reading your blog. I got behind in my emails. But I had to leave a comment. What a lovely day you two had. It's always nice to meet fellow authors. I've struck up so many new friendships (yours included) because of this business. I treasure them all.

    So glad to hear you had a great time. I "see" you regularly on the Evernight Facebook pages, Jennifer. Will have to say hi more often. 🙂

  • Jan Bowles September 27, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Hi, Lace, we had a great time in Lincoln, and it was nice to meet a fellow author face to face. I hope that one day we may do it, too. I still remember the day you contacted me by email (I've still got it by the way). You were the first to make me realize I was not alone in this very lonely profession. Thank you 🙂

    Jan x