Guest Blogger: Jennifer Denys ~ Erotic Romance Author

October 27, 2013

Jennifer Denys

Please welcome my guest blogger for today, erotic romance author, Jennifer Denys. 

Psst, I’ll let you in on a little secret, Jennifer has just released her latest book called Retraining the Dom. Wow, the title let’s you know that it contains some HOT BDSM action! It’s the second in the Battle of Wills series, which features Jennifer’s bestselling, erotic romance, Retraining the Sub.

Q. Where did you get the idea for ‘Retraining the Dom’? 

This is the sequel to ‘Retraining the Sub’. I came up with the ideas for the titles first. Sometimes titles just occur to me and I have to find a story to fit, as in the case of this two part series; and sometimes I have a story idea that I have to find a title for. As for RTD – I knew I wanted it to be about Trey as I featured him in RTS.

Retraining the Sub

Q. Tell us a bit about the hero and heroine in ‘Retraining the Dom’. 

Trey is a Dom in his mid 40s at Club Allure, who has been told he must go on the Club’s retraining programme. The problem is he is much too strong a Dom to allow anyone else to control him. The club’s owner comes up with the idea of using Olivia, a 50 year old experienced Domme, who is physically imposing. What Trey begins to realise is that Olivia is a sub at heart and she has to work hard not to let Trey top her and subsequently Dom challenges the Domme. It is a battle of wills.

Q. What are you working on right now, and what can we expect from you next? 

I am working on the second in The Haunt of the Wolves series set in a werewolf BDSM club and this one is about Evie and Stefan, both werewolves, who appeared in the first in the series (Collared by Wolves). As this is a ménage series there will be a third person in their relationship who will be a human, Jace. I am in the early stages of plotting the story.

Q. How do we find out about you and your books? 

Details of all my books are on my blog/website where readers will find extracts/reviews/buy links/and tidbits about the books. I also post to that blog three times a week.

Alternatively, you can find me on: 
Twitter –  
Facebook –  

‘Retraining the Dom’ is available from many outlets: Here are the buy links:





All Romance

Q. How may readers contact you? 

Readers can email me anytime to jennifer.denys (at) I love to hear from you.

Q. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 

I have always liked writing stories and plays. The earliest I can remember was aged about 14 I wrote a play for local kids based on the legend of Robin Hood – with a twist. It was called ‘Roberta Hood and her Merry Ladies’. This wasn’t because I had a dominatrix in me then, but probably because there were more girls in the neighbourhood than boys!

Q. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? (Some write with a glass of wine, or others listen to music, what do you do?) 

I love throwing in real life facts into my stories: the name of a friend’s dog in ‘Friendly Seduction’, the office number I worked in at the day job in ‘Friend or Foe’, the boss’s surname in ‘Chasing Emily’ and so on. ‘Retraining the Dom’ is dedicated to two Doms who have been extremely helpful for my research and things related to them are included in this story as a way of saying thank you, eg, a windmill is relevant to one of them!

Q. What was the first adult book you read? 

‘The Love Machine’ by Jacqueline Susann. I went from Enid Blyton to Jacqueline Susann. It was a baptism of fire!

Q. How did you come to choose your character names for Retraining the Dom? 

The name, Trey, just came to me as I was writing the earlier book in the series. But the name, Olivia, is intriguing as it was chosen by readers to my blog in a competition last year. My original idea had been Rachel and that was one of the options I gave readers to choose from along with Diana, Helen, Jillian and Olivia. I wanted a name that sounded strong and dominant, which to me all those names are and Olivia won (Jillian was the second most popular but I intend to use all those names in future books).

Q. You have written about BDSM in many of your stories, do you or have you participated yourself? 

Yep. I have a Dom who is very patient (and long suffering) when I want to research something for my stories! We have fun. 🙂 


An excerpt from Retraining the Dom

“And what’s your reason for becoming a Domme, Livvy?”

Olivia frowned. “This is about your retraining, not mine. So we will do a quick fire round.”
He seemed to have diverted the question for the time being, but what was a quick fire round?

“Spanking or flogging?”

“Excuse me?”

The look of long suffering she gave him made the corners of his mouth turn up. He wondered why she had agreed to do this.

“Just answer the first thing that comes into your mind. This is about your preferences. Doesn’t matter if they are your Dom likes and dislikes, your answers will give me some clues to you as a person.”

His smile dropped. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea, afraid he would give too much away. “Are you sure you’re not a closet psychologist?”


“Okay, okay. Flogging.” Yup. He sure preferred to give a flogging over a spanking any day. Spanking was too intimate and he didn’t like the sound of flesh on flesh. His face tightened. Do not go there, he told himself.

“Bench or Cross?”

He shrugged. “Both.” That wasn’t an issue.

“Cuffs or rope?”

On the other hand, that was. There was no way he was going to be restrained by her, or anyone else, come to that. “Neither.”

Olivia seemed startled by this answer. “Sorry?”

He had to say something, so he spat out an answer. “Tape!”

This seemed to appease her. “Don’t you think it’s easy to get out of that?”

Trey smirked. “Aren’t your dominance skills up to it?”

She leaned forward, her breasts pressing together to provide wonderful cleavage above the low cut vivid green top she wore. He worked hard to avoid dipping his eyes to enjoy the view. Olivia continued to move in until her face was only a few inches away. Trey smiled at this show of strength, but he didn’t shift back as many might have done in the face of a big woman entering their personal space.

“I don’t need to restrain my subs. I trust them to keep their hands on the handles, bars, whatever.”

He chuckled. “Well, if you reward them with those gorgeous tits I’m not surprised.”

That flustered her, and she sat down with a thump, a startled expression on her face.
She tried to get him back to the matter in hand. “Um, safe words.”

“What about them?” He was still amused by her distraction.

Olivia tapped her pen impatiently against the file. “I need to know your safe word in the event of you being unable to continue during your training.”

Trey was aware of how thorough Olivia was and could see why Sean thought she would be a good trainer, but he was determined not to let her get under his skin. He sat back and considered this. There might, of course, be a possibility that he’d get under hers. That would be interesting. He relished the forthcoming confrontation. “My safe word is woody.”

Thank you, Jennifer, for being such a fab guest. I’ve already read and LOVED, Retraining the Sub, so I can’t wait to get my hands on your new book ~ Retraining the Dom!


  • Jan Bowles October 27, 2013 at 9:18 am

    Welcome, Jennifer. Looking forward to reading your new book. Sounds HOT!

    Jan x

  • Jennifer Denys October 27, 2013 at 9:25 am

    Thank you, my sweet! It was great being here.

  • angieia November 26, 2013 at 3:26 pm

    Enjoyed the interview! I really enjoyed Retraining the Dom and can't wait for the next book in The Haunt of the Wolves series!

  • Jan Bowles November 26, 2013 at 3:30 pm

    Thanks for stopping by, Angieia!