Jessica walked outside. The intriguing sound was coming from the east of the island—an area that Kaine had forbidden her to visit. Yet another noise invaded her senses then, only this time it was one she was fully familiar with. As the irritating whine of an electric Club Car drew closer, she reasoned it was probably Mason Garner going about his business. What exactly did that man do? It was a still a mystery to her.
As the electric buggy swept by on the coastal path some fifty yards away, she realized it was driven by Kaine, and such was her mounting affection for the man—was she falling in love with him?—she couldn’t stop herself from waving her arms in the air, and shouting, “Kaine, Kaine, I’m over here.”
He didn’t turn to look at her, instead resolutely continued on his journey. Kaine obviously hadn’t seen her, but she knew enough about geography to know he was heading for the east of the island.
There were more questions than answers. Why the sound of drums and the piercing shriek of the hunting horn? Why was everyone heading to the east of the island except her? She’d witnessed Mason Garner driving the Hollywood actor Ronan Balantyne amongst others in that direction only last week. But more importantly, why was Kaine heading in that direction right now?
What the hell was going on over there? Perhaps it was time she found out for herself.
Available on pre-order from Bookstrand HERE
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