Master and Inquisitor Tasty Teaser Day 12

December 3, 2012

In this tasty teaser for Master and Inquisitor, I’ve included the actual recipe for the stunning cocktail that Beth mixes.

Day 12: Beth mixes Ethan a cocktail

Finally, he pushed the sexy, yet intrusive thoughts away, before turning his attention back to the matter at hand. In a slightly amateurish fashion Beth finished shaking the cocktail and then poured it into a tall glass filled with crushed ice. He could tell she didn’t have much bar experience, but that didn’t matter. That could easily be learned. What mattered was her total acceptance of club members and their many kinks. 

Image courtesy of Paul

He lifted up the pale orange drink. “What is it?”

“It’s a mixture of orange juice, gin, and Bénédictine.”

Ethan sipped at the exotic-looking concoction. It was a little potent for ten thirty in the morning, but delicious all the same. “Wow, it has a bit of a kick. So does this have a name?”

“Yes, it’s called a Dom Cocktail.” 

Warming to Beth, Ethan nodded and smiled. So, the little lady had a sense of humor, too. He raised the glass to her. “I’m impressed.” 

Her face brightened. “And if I add a dash of Tobasco it’s called a Big Bad Dom. Antonio invented that. He liked me to make…” Beth suddenly looked a little sad again, and her words trailed away. She turned from him and busied herself by tidying up the bar.

Ethan drummed the glossy black bar top with his fingertips. The slightest mention of her old Master seemed to distress her. Not wishing to upset her again, he gently placed his hand on hers. “Beth, come, I’ll show you around if you feel up to it.” 

More coming soon…..

The Dom Cocktail Recipe:

2 measures of Gin
0.5 measures of Bénédictine Dom
1 measure of orange juice

Shake all the ingredients together, then serve into a chilled cocktail glass. Yum!

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