#SeriesShowcase: Masters of Submission by Jan Bowles
1. What is the biggest development in the series that surprised you as the author?
Wow, I’d have to say the characters. They seem to have a life of their own. The more of the series I write, the deeper I’m exploring the dynamics in their lifestyles. Each relationship has been entirely different in the way they interact with each other.
2. What was an element in HER DREAM DOM [Masters of Submission 1] you really wanted to carry throughout the series? Where did you decide to differ from that with MASTER’S PET [Masters of Submission 6], if at all?
It has to be trust. A D/s relationship cannot work without trust. In HER DREAM DOM, trust is an issue from the get-go. Because of a bad experience, Sara, although highly attracted to the lifestyle, is very wary of placing her faith in anyone. Enter Jack, a proficient rope player, who shows through careful listening and talking that he can be all she hopes for. While in MASTER’S PET, Cole and Jessica’s long-standing relationship is put in jeopardy through mistrust. Trust builds relationships, while mistrust tears them apart.
3. What came first? The characters or the club?
Ah, now you’re talking. The characters came first. I designed Club Submission around my magnetic hero Zane Anders. He’s a strong character who introduces Jessica Parkes to the club, and thus the readers, too.
4. What was the inspiration for Club Submission?
I’d read about a few famous fetish clubs. The Torture Garden being one and Paddles being another. I didn’t base Club Submission on any particular one, more a fusion of many.
5. What are some interesting factoids about the club that readers wouldn’t know from reading the series?
Apart from special celebrations, such as collaring ceremonies and private parties like the New Years Eve party in the first book of the series, Club Submission is alcohol free.
Before the club was taken over by the Strong brothers, Matthew and Ethan, it was called XS. They didn’t feel it created the right ambiance, so renamed it Club Submission.
Detective Dave Mitchell of the Boston Police Department, and the officer who featured in the first book of the series, doesn’t like the Strong brothers or the club. He would be happy to see it closed down.
6. Do you feel there’s any negativity in portraying submissive women?
Wow, that’s a hard question, but I guess that although I write about submissive women meeting strong, male characters, the heroines are strong in their own right. They have their own voice, and are in charge of their own destiny. They’re certainly not doormats.
7. What do you envision happening next in the Masters of Submission series?
I have so many ideas that need to be channeled into future books. Andrea, the receptionist, who lost her husband and Master in a car accident, needs her story telling. While Todd and Marcus will have future books, too. I would also love to see what happens after they all get married. Who knows…even the tenacious Detective Mitchell may feature in a new story very soon.
(Be sure to check out Jan Bowles’s Fave Five on Pinterest! http://bit.ly/BDSMWed)
Masters of Submission by Jan Bowles
See the whole series here: http://www.bookstrand.com/jan-bowles
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