Today I have special guest and erotic author, Mamie Center. Mamie writes for Simon and Schuster, and recently debuted with Hollywood Hook, an erotic tale focusing on the inner workings of Hollywood. Read on to find out more about this highly sensual story…Q. Where did you get the idea for Hollywood Hook? R. I’ve lived most of it. Seriously. The more scandalous parts at least. When I moved to Hollywood, I was a lot like Jessica. I was the “best of the best” from my Podunk hometown and I moved to Los Angeles expecting to immediately “make it” like the thousands of other clueless young, beautiful, talented women. And Jacob is an amalgamation of several heavyweight producers whom I had to “accommodate” on my rise to the top. Q. Tell us a bit about the hero and heroine in, Hollywood Hook. R. Jessica is a naive actress who wants to make it big in Hollywood. She is talented and ambitious; however, soon realizes it is all who you know. Thomas Mansell is a big star who has been working since he was a child and is simply burnt out. The pair has incredible chemistry and have no idea they are just pawns…