Guest Blogger: Rose Anderson ~ Erotic Romance Author
Guest Author / December 5, 2012

My guest blogger today is Rose Anderson. All her books have been very well received, especially her book Hermes Online, which won the 2011 Sensual Reads Reviewer’s Choice Award. So read on for an insight into this highly talented author!Q. What inspired you to write The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo? Several years ago while taking a much touted artists tour not too far from my home, I wandered into a barn converted into an artist studio and found a new author sitting beside a stack of books. This curious book with its B-movie cover was all about the Wisconsin werewolf. At the time, I was less fascinated by werewolves than I was by anyone who’d actually managed to get published. In the days before email submissions, eBook publishers, Indy publishers, and self-publishing, I’d spent a considerable sum printing manuscripts to mail in their entirety to the major NY Publishers, and tasted confidence-shattering disappointment as rejection letters came in.Needless to say, I saw opportunity to learn so I stood and talked to this author. Of course, after picking her brain as best I could, I bought the book. It seemed only right that I do. While my husband drove us from…