Q. What inspired you to write The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo?
Several years ago while taking a much touted artists tour not too far from my home, I wandered into a barn converted into an artist studio and found a new author sitting beside a stack of books. This curious book with its B-movie cover was all about the Wisconsin werewolf. At the time, I was less fascinated by werewolves than I was by anyone who’d actually managed to get published. In the days before email submissions, eBook publishers, Indy publishers, and self-publishing, I’d spent a considerable sum printing manuscripts to mail in their entirety to the major NY Publishers, and tasted confidence-shattering disappointment as rejection letters came in.
Needless to say, I saw opportunity to learn so I stood and talked to this author. Of course, after picking her brain as best I could, I bought the book. It seemed only right that I do. While my husband drove us from art studio to art studio, I read passages to him. The story was pretty farfetched but entertaining. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a wolf walking like a man. We well knew the areas mentioned in the book, and some of the sightings of this weird creature had supposedly taken place over decades. Back home, I went digging for more. Apparently the Ojibwe legends in the Great Lakes region mention a magical wolf or dog that guards burials.
That caught my attention. Legends of grave guardians around the world often take the form of wolves or dogs. There’s that jackal-headed Anubis from ancient Egypt for example. Wasn’t he the Lord of the Dead? Beyond that, Wisconsin was covered in ancient Native American burial and effigy mounds. Coincidentally, one of the accounts in that book went back to the 1930’s and took place on top of a burial mound. Needing more information, we took the Great Mound Tour across Wisconsin into Iowa. I saw these effigies and burials for myself, what was left of them. And my imagination went wild!
Q. Which is your favorite scene in Loving Leonardo?
I’d have to say it’s the moment where the spark of attraction catches Nicolas unawares. Here’s a small bit of it:
When in the presence of true beauty, my mind often imagines the person unclothed as the artists of the ages might have seen him. Sitting at my table was a statue carved in marble by Gian Lorenzo Bernini; an artist known for his remarkable ability to capture the essence of a narrative moment. And I found Luca Franco to be exactly that — a moment indelibly captured in time — a moment of meeting the mind could revisit in its entirety.
From every angle, he was beautifully made: black-haired, of medium build, and physically fit. He possessed a warm hue to his skin, his lineage no doubt stamped centuries past by the darker Moors or Turks. In startling contrast, and quite handsomely framed by black lashes, he had striking eyes the color one might see in a shadow falling across snow — not quite sky blue nor exactly steel gray, but a blending of the two in gradated rings.
I rose to shake his hand and felt the unmistakable current of compatibility. If this man weren’t forward in his mutual attraction, it was there nonetheless.
Q. Which of your characters is your favorite and why?
Of all the characters in my books to date, Nicolas Halstead from Loving Leonardo is by far my favorite as he’s the most complex and human of all my fictional people. I found a surprising depth of character to him. He’s a Victorian man of means forced by society to wear a disguise because he’s gay and that’s a criminal offense. His experiences in this story come to redefine how he’s always thought himself to be. I think anyone would fall in love with Nicolas, especially his perceptions. It’s through his perspective that we see and feel his world. An art historian by profession, Nicolas can’t help but compare life to art. Because of this, he leaves many references to artists and artworks scattered throughout the pages of his book. I carefully wrote the story so readers could see what he saw if they cared to look up the artworks.
Q. Where and when do you like to write? What is your writing day like?
Since I work off a laptop now, the whole house is my office. Most days I work at the kitchen table. Last year for Christmas, my son gave me a back massaging office chair…for the kitchen! It’s a little uh…out of place… but I can’t deny the love behind the gift. I get up, make coffee, drink coffee, walk dogs, feed dogs, play with dogs (if I don’t then I’m hounded with squeaky toys until I do). Then I see to the details of being an author. Any given day I might have 60 or more emails or when yahoo is having one of its fits a few hundred repeats. Occasionally I’ll have a guest post to write or an interview to complete. I’ll try to get to my own blog if there’s time. Whew. By ten o’clock I’m writing my work in progress. If the Muse is on my side that day, I might get several chapters completed. I’ve recently added a stint on the treadmill to my daily repertoire because sitting all day is turning my muscle to mush and a recent study says that is seriously unhealthy for my kidneys and my heart. If I could figure out how to duct tape my laptop and coffee cup holder to my treadmill, and have the dogs in tow behind me, I’d be all set!
Q. What advice do you have for someone just starting out?
I’d say they need to keep in mind that not all of their books will be a good fit with every reader out there and not to take it too hard when the inevitable poor or snarky review pops up. Books are no less works of art than masterpieces in oil or stone. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So I’d say new writers, please remember that reviews are simply opinions. How many people do you know with opinions different than your own? Revel in the good ones. They feel great! Consider the bad ones. If you’re lucky, they’ll come with constructive criticism and that’s not a bad thing because sometimes authors are just too close to the story to see gaffs and gaps. And above all, ignore the nasty reviews. If they have nothing of value to impart and are simply mean-spirited, consider them to be the power plays they are, and then move on. I got a confusing review recently and got to thinking…I’ve been doing this for nearly two years now. I have four novels out now and two more waiting on covers and just days away from publishing. What do reviews look like for some of my favorite authors? I checked on Diana Gabaldon, Michael Crichton, and even Stephan King. They have bad reviews too! New authors, check your favorite authors for yourself. You’re in good company.
Q. What is the hardest part about writing romance stories?
Stopping in the middle of a scene to see to the mundane has to be the hardest part of writing anything. I mean really, who needs dinner? I’m a perfect candidate for the secluded writer’s cabin in the woods, because when I write, I fall into stream of consciousness mode.
Definition: Stream of consciousness is the continuous flow of sense‐perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind or a literary method of representing a blending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in an unpunctuated or disjointed form of interior monologue.
Yep, that’s me.
Q. Which are your favorite authors and why?
I do have favorites but not many. I’m an informational reader for the most part. Oddball that I am, I read encyclopedias like other people read magazines. Once a year I’ll binge on fiction, and I mean really Binge with a capital B. Romance mostly, but I’ve been known to do a run of historical fiction too. To me a favorite author writes the book you read so many times the pages fall out. I would read anything that Diana Gabaldon wrote and yes, I’ve read Harry Potter at least five times from start to finish. I’ve had to replace books in both series because I’ve read them to death!
Sadly last summer, a long time love affair ended for me. I’ve been faithfully reading an author for nearly 25 years. I couldn’t wait for the new releases and I’d reread the old ones (until the pages fell out!). I jumped on the new novel last year, but three chapters in I realized I’d read it before. Then it occurred to me that the last several books had been exactly like this one. I couldn’t finish. Don’t get me wrong, formula stories can be fun reads. It’s just that we had something special in our long reader/writer relationship – I was given heart fluttering romance and unique storylines that I’d think about for days after the stories ended. I’m sad it’s over. So that being said, I have an empty shelf waiting for a new favorite author. Now if I only had time to read…
Q. Name three of your favorite things.
I still have a very good sense of child-like wonder. Lots of things flip my switches! For this question, I’ve given a nod to gifts from the universe.
1. After a blanketing snowfall when the sky is still overcast and all the shadows are blue.
2. A sunset so vibrantly colored with reds, oranges, and purples you have to remember to breathe.
3. Those HUGE orange full moons
Q. If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Hands down it would have to be Leonardo Da Vinci. I steeped myself into his life and times to write Loving Leonardo. He was what’s referred to as a polymath – a person of great and varied learning, and this despite the fact Leonardo was denied traditional education because of his bastardy. What that man went through to become the genius he was. Can you just imagine how fabulous that conversation would be? I think I’d serve a Mongolian Hot Pot — hot stock and small bits of food to cook in it — or perhaps a fondue. Slow meals are great for keeping a dinner conversation going. 🙂
Q. Are you a panster or a plotter?
Oh definitely a fly by the seat of my pants gal. An interesting idea will pop into my head and before I know it I have a character or two and they’ll start talking to themselves and each other. When they walk forward in their world, for one reason or another conflict comes in from the sides and they must react to it. The strange thing here is, I really don’t know how the story will end until they end it. They take over my brain until they’re done with me. I’ve heard other authors refer to this state of mind as a form of possession.
Q. Which comes first? The character’s or the idea for the story?
My characters tend to write their stories themselves. I just help with coloring their world. I’ve had this work both ways, I think wouldn’t it be interesting to write a story with a story hidden inside it? The next thing I know, there’s an old derelict house. Then someone wants to buy that house. I discover she wants it and this desire goes back to her childhood. Wouldn’t you know she has larger plans. Suddenly she’s a doctor transforming the mansion into a free clinic. The next I know, there’s a ghost living there and he was a doctor too 100 years before. It didn’t take much for him to fall in love with his new houseguest. But wait a minute…he’s dead, that’ll go nowhere. How can they have real interaction? He spends most of his time just silently watching her, even when she sleeps. Ah ha! As pure spirit energy, he plies her sleeping mind and follows her dreams. But why is she dreaming about the days before he was murdered 100 years ago? Now that the story has written itself, it needs a name – Dreamscape.
Q. Where can we find out more about your books?
My books are just about everywhere books are sold. Online, Amazon has all four in ebook and paperback, while Barnes & Noble has just two.
And my book trailers are on Amazon
Q. Where can we contact you?
And like my books, I’m just about everywhere too! I frequent these the most and welcome one and all to come say hi.
My Blog:
@RoseAnderson_ (notice that _ )
Facebook (I’m still trying to figure this site out):
Welcome Rose, and thank you.
Thanks for having me Jan. Your questions were fun. 🙂
Very interesting interview. I definitely have both of these books on my TBR list.
Thanks Cynthia. I'm a very picky reader so my goal as a writer is to write what I'd like to read. I hope you enjoy them.
In this day and age, who would have guessed that northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin hosted a mysterious, mythical type of grave-guardian wolf? It seems like most of your books involve otherworldly beings, Rose. Has that always been an interest and inspiration for you?
It stunned me. The eyewitness accounts that led to the writing of The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo, place this "wolf walking upright like a man" about a half an hour's drive from my house. Yeah you might say my interest was piqued. lol
I wouldn't say I write paranormal on occasion because otherworldly events grab my inspiration. That this one did is actually a rarity. I think it's more that I enjoy the challenge of taking an unbelievable concept and making it plausible.
You know, I only hinted at Greek gods meddling in Hermes Online, yet some readers wanted more paranormal action in that story. I do have the lovelorn ghost in Dreamscape, but I wrote that more as a reader's puzzle than anything else. The ghost just happened to appear while I was writing. (lol I sound crazy)
Suffice to say I do have a healthy imagination!
Great interview, ladies! Love the cover for The Witchy Wolf and the Wendigo, Rose. Very visual. Best of luck with your sales!
Rose, you are my ideal of a writer. You write well, first of all. Very important. Metaphoric language and stunning visuals…psychological exploring…unique ideas and characters…for starters!
I thought I'd just drop by today and leave a brief comment, but you kind of had me at hello. So now I know for a fact that I'll buy the WW and the Leonardo, for starters. I wish you (much deserved) success.
🙂 Thanks Lynda. I found a rising star — a wonderful young artist by the name of Gordon Bennetto. He'll be doing the cover for the Wendigo part of this tale too. We're aiming for a an early February release.
Leonardo da Vinci says this about the secrets hidden in his works and those who might find them: "Those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who never see."
Everyone can appreciate the Mona Lisa, few understand the deliberate metaphor there. The meaning will always be obscure to most, but every once in a while, someone will FEEL it and just know what he was getting at.
I hide metaphor in my novels similar to Leonardo da Vinci hiding metaphor on canvas. I've never said so before, but I write my stories to resonate like that. Most readers will find them entertaining tales, and that's marvelous if they do. I certainly appreciate when they take the time to tell me they've enjoyed my work. And just like the secrets of the Mona Lisa, some readers will see the intentional nuance and symbolism I've carefully laid out for them to find. 🙂
Erin, I'm humbled by your praise. Thank you. Do drop me a line and let me know what you think of them. I think I've found a kindred spirit! 🙂
What a fun interview! I love the way you write. You do it with such depth of spirit. I do hope that we'll be seeing more Native American lore woven into future books. I haven't read your newest yet, but I can't wait to find a chilly afternoon to curl up with your latest, and a hot cup of tea.
Thanks. I think you'll enjoy this one. 🙂 I think it'll go perfectly with a cup of tea.
The first time I ever heard of the Wendigo, it was from romance writers. It's a fascinating concept. Sounds like you have given yet another definition and brought it to life.
Thank you, Rose, for being my guest today. You have certainly made an impact with everyone who has visited. I think Dreamscape will make the perfect evening read, and I'm looking forward to it!
Best wishes
Jan 🙂