My Reviews and Feedback for The Return

January 29, 2010

I think Jinger did a lovely job with this cover. To me it is very romantic.

In case you don’t know what the book is about, I’ll just add the blurb:

Whilst on assignment in Iraq, English TV presenter and journalist Robert Tremayne is captured by the Islamic Jihad and held hostage.

His soul mate, Marielle, can barely come to terms with her loss but tries to move on with her life. Two years later Robert is discovered alive. Marielle is overjoyed, but her life has changed beyond all recognition, and the man she loved is now very different. His time in Iraq has left him cold, emotionless and detached.

There’s much to tell, and each wants desperately to return to the way things once were.

With the past always there to come between them, will they be able to recapture their lost love? Will they ever be happy again?

Since its release I have had four reviews. My favourite is obviously the one from Manicreaders.

4.5 STARS: “The Return is an amazing book… I picked this book because it sounded good but didn’t realize just how great it would turn out to be. The relationship that Robert and Marielle shared was both steamy and sweet. This book read how a true romance novel should be like… leaving me wanting more. I experienced every emotion with Robert and Marielle from…love, loss, betrayal, friendship, and happiness. I plan to return for more good reads with Jan Bowles.” — Cheryl, Manic Readers. Please click this link HERE to see the entire review.

I have also received three 4 star reviews, from LASR, the Pen and Muse, and Mind Fog Reviews.

I’ll put the links below
Mind Fog Reviews
The Pen and Muse

I had a lovely email from Kristie Casey who read ‘The Return’ here’s what she said

I just finished reading The Return. I absolutely loved it. The story line was very moving. It just made me think of how this situation is affecting other families in real time. The characters and situation was so real, the story just flowed off the pages. I had a hard time stopping at times. My children were very impatient with me.

I really love the feedback one gets from readers. It makes all the hard work worthwhile.

I’ve just finished updating my website. I’m afraid the earlier version was a bit Barbara Cartland with bows and ribbons. I’ve tried to make this one a little more professional.

Thanks for looking. Good luck to everyone this coming year with your new releases. Jan

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