Read the 1st Chapter of The Return here
First Chapter / October 9, 2011

THE RETURN JAN BOWLES Copyright © 2009 Chapter One Standing on the observation deck, Marielle Stevens watched the plane in the distance—just a speck of light, against a backdrop of midnight sky. Gradually, the speck grew closer until finally she heard the roar of jet engines and saw the red light flashing on its underbelly. She craned her neck for a better view as the wheels of the plane touched down and screeched to a halt further down the runway. With her forehead pressed against the cool glass, she breathed in a sigh of relief. Thank God he’s back. There would be a lot of explaining to do, but—he’s safe now at last. She watched, as would a curious observer, the commotion caused by the press and media as they jostled for the best vantage point around the perimeter of the airfield. Flashes of light rippled from their cameras like a giant fireworks display, lighting up the rain soaked buildings of the RAF base all around them. “We’d better make our way to the room,” James said quietly behind her. Lost in her thoughts, Marielle swung around. “Sorry? Oh, yes. Of course.” Her mind still focused on the occupant of…

Latest News / May 3, 2010

My first published book with Siren-Bookstrand, has just come of age, and has now gone into print. Whilst on assignment in Iraq, English TV presenter and journalist Robert Tremayne is captured by the Islamic Jihad and held hostage. His soul mate, Marielle, can barely come to terms with her loss but tries to move on with her life. Two years later Robert is discovered alive. Marielle is overjoyed, but her life has changed beyond all recognition, and the man she loved is now very different. His time in Iraq has left him cold, emotionless and detached. There’s much to tell, and each wants desperately to return to the way things once were.With the past always there to come between them, will they be able to recapture their lost love? Will they ever be happy again? The print book is available form Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Check out the links HERE

Latest News / April 2, 2010

I’m pleased to announce my latest release DARK SECRETS, my first erotic romantic suspense novel with Siren-Bookstrand As a special offer for the EASTER period only I am also offering a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE on my other two highly acclaimed ebooks. LOVE LESSONS WITH THE TEXAS BILLIONAIRE and THE RETURN Buy LOVE LESSONS WITH THE TEXAS BILLIONAIRE HERE Send me the receipt you receive from your purchase, and I will send you a copy of THE RETURN absolutely free of charge, in PDF, EPUB, LIT or HTML format. This promotion will end at 12 midnight USA CST on Monday 4th April 2010. Email me HERE with your receipt dated over the Easter period for LOVE LESSONS WITH THE TEXAS BILLIONAIRE LOVE LESSONS WITH THE TEXAS BILLIONAIRE has received some highly acclaimed reviews. 5 STARS: “Author, Jan Bowles has officially won me over as a fan. I didn’t think she could top her first novel The Return but with her latest one she has done just that. Jack had the Texas charm that you couldn’t help but fall for, even when he was smirking. Eva is a spitfire. She really tested Jack’s patience. No matter how much she pushed his buttons, he was gentle with…

The cover for The Return wins Prestigious Award
Latest News / February 10, 2010

The cover for The Return has just won an award from Classic Romance Revival for their January competition. And will now go forward to their competition for the cover of the year award at the end of 2010. Their Classic Cover Contest, celebrates the “face” of Classic Romance and the authors and artists “behind” them – and, of course, the books “inside” them! A big thank you must go to the artist who created it. Well done Jinger Heaston.

Seven Days of Valentines – ‘Love at first sight’. Does it really exist?
My Thoughts / February 6, 2010

Hi everyone, so glad you could make it to Siren-Bookstrand Author’s Seven Days of Valentines. Check out the other contemporary authors Barbra Novac, Sandy James, and Karenna Colcroft, on contemporary day 7th February 2010. Information available on the Siren Loop Please read through my blog, and leave a comment. If you would like to take part in the competition, read-on and answer a simple question. With Valentines Day just around the corner, I guess our thoughts turn to love. Love can come in many forms. It can hit you straight between the eyes, and you fall instantly in love, or it can be a slower process. Cue light romantic music playing in the background. I first met my husband twenty-seven years ago. I don’t think it was love at first sight, but there was something going on. I remember the night in question as though it was yesterday, when he spilt his beer all down my clothes, and said, “Don’t worry, it’s only an old coat.” Eh? Did you hear that pleasant music grind to a screeching halt? Now, I can almost hear you ask, why did you even consider him as a potential lover? Well, I suppose I’ve always had a…

My Reviews and Feedback for The Return
Reviews Received / January 29, 2010

I think Jinger did a lovely job with this cover. To me it is very romantic. In case you don’t know what the book is about, I’ll just add the blurb: Whilst on assignment in Iraq, English TV presenter and journalist Robert Tremayne is captured by the Islamic Jihad and held hostage. His soul mate, Marielle, can barely come to terms with her loss but tries to move on with her life. Two years later Robert is discovered alive. Marielle is overjoyed, but her life has changed beyond all recognition, and the man she loved is now very different. His time in Iraq has left him cold, emotionless and detached. There’s much to tell, and each wants desperately to return to the way things once were.With the past always there to come between them, will they be able to recapture their lost love? Will they ever be happy again? Since its release I have had four reviews. My favourite is obviously the one from Manicreaders. 4.5 STARS: “The Return is an amazing book… I picked this book because it sounded good but didn’t realize just how great it would turn out to be. The relationship that Robert and Marielle shared was both…

4.5 Star Review for my latest release The Return by Jan Bowles
Reviews Received / January 15, 2010

I just had to share a wonderful review I received from Manicreaders Release Date: 12/01/09 Publisher: Siren Publishing Genre: Contemporary Romance ISBN: 1-60601-622-9 Pages: 147 Format: E-Book List Price: 4.99 Buy Here MR Reviewer: Cheryl I received 4.5 stars!!! The Return by Jan Bowles Robert Tremayne went off to Iraq, two years ago. In the mean time, Marielle Stevens had to let Robert go when she was told he was captured and killed. Marielle didn’t plan it but she married Robert’s best friend, James. They have a daughter named Jemma. To everyone’s surprise and amazement, they learn that Robert is alive and coming home. When Robert learns that Marielle and James are married, he wants nothing to do with either of them. Four years later, Marielle is a widow. James died of a brain tumor. Will Marielle and Robert be willing to give love a second chance? “The Return is an amazing book by Jan Bowles. I picked this book because it sounded good but didn’t realize just how great it would turn out to be. The relationship that Robert and Marielle shared was both steamy and sweet. This book read how a true romance novel should be like…leaving me…

An Email I Just had to Share
Latest News / December 22, 2009

I just had to share an email I received from someone who read ‘The Return’. It makes all the writing worth while. I just finished reading The Return. I absolutely loved it. The story line was very moving. It just made me think of how this situation is affecting other families in real time. The characters and situation was so real, the story just flowed off the pages. I had a hard time stopping at times. My children were very impatient with me. Again thank you for the story. It was excellent. I have mentioned the story to many friends who have expressed interest. emailed by K What lovely feedback. Thank you K.

A Beautiful Review By LASR
Reviews Received / December 16, 2009

I just had to share my review from Long and Short reviews. The reviewer went into great detail about the characters and sub plots. I’m really bowled over. The Return by Jan Bowles The Return by Jan BowlesPublisher: BookStrandGenre: ContemporaryLength: Short (147 pages)Heat: SpicyRating: 4 BooksReviewed by Edelweiss Whilst on assignment in Iraq, English TV presenter and journalist Robert Tremayne is captured by Islamic Jihadists and held hostage. His soul mate, Marielle, can barely come to terms with her loss but tries to move on with her life. Two years later Robert is discovered alive. Marielle is overjoyed, but her life has changed beyond all recognition, and the man she loved is now very different. His time in Iraq has left him cold, emotionless and detached. There’s much to tell, and each wants desperately to return to the way things once were. With the past always there to come between them, will they be able to recapture their lost love? Will they ever be happy again? In Jan Bowles’ The Return, two former lovers grapple with a past strewn withbetrayal, misfortune, and bad judgments. Robert is a renown journalist andauthor who is captured and killed in Iraq by the Islamic…

A Week in Reviews
Reviews Received / December 12, 2009

I finally received my first review for The Return from Mind Fog Reviews: “This book, at times, reminds me of Castaway the movie. The book is well written and has a couple of hot and steamy love scenes for those of us that love the hot stuff in a romance novel. The cute little father and daughter moments are so cute that it makes your heart melt.” 4 BookmarksCarol Langstroth, Manager Mind Fog Reviews Then later this week I received another review for The Pen and Muse: “What I liked: Jan tells such a beautiful story about a couple who love each other very much, but yet to the war things have changed. Jan portrays the life of these two characters as a real life drama that you could sit and watch unfold. Positively brilliant! A must read for those who love contemporary romance or are just fans of romance!”4 StarsPosted by Denisse AliceaThe Pen and Muse I am very happy, it makes all the hard work worthwhile.