Guest Blogger: Clair de Lune – Erotic Romance Author (part 2)
Guest Author / October 17, 2012

Welcome Clair de Lune!  This is the second part of her open and frank interview. Clair also has her latest release out today, it’s called Master Eric’s Virgin Sub, and can be bought from Bookstrand HERE As a way of wetting your appetite, here’s the blurb and cover for Clair’s latest release, Master Eric’s Virgin Sub Master Eric Ballater, the Dom behind the bar at Prometheus in Chains, a BDSM club, meets Emma Browne, a beautiful blonde virgin waiting for her hero, at a Collaring Ceremony. Curious about the club, she returns for an exploratory visit—and likes what she sees. She is happy with her new life until someone steals her identity, sending abusive e-mails in her name and spending large amounts on her credit card. Why is it happening to Emma? Eric, determined to find out, sets a successful trap, snaring the stalker. Thinking all is over, she explores BDSM with Eric, and they fall in love. But Emma is torn between her love for him and the disapproval of her family if they find out about his involvement in BDSM. At the club’s anniversary celebrations, the stalker returns and attacks Emma. Can Eric save her and win her heart…

Guest Blogger: Clair de Lune ~ Erotic Romance Author (part 1)
Guest Author / October 3, 2012

Leave a comment and be entered into my draw to win an e-book from my back catalog. I’m running the competition from now until the end of the year. See the competition page above for details on how to enter.Welcome to fellow Siren author Clair de Lune!  Congratulations on your latest release, The Locket, which is out today!! Can you please tell us something about the book? Q. Where did you get the idea for, The Locket? Thank you for having me on your blog, Jan. I have always loved the Regency period of English History. I have lost count of the number of books I have read about it from novels to biographies. After I had started to write the “Prometheus in Chains” series I realised how much I enjoyed writing. I had a really old, gold locket that has been in the family for generations. I gave it to my daughter on her 21st birthday as my mother had given it to me. The title came from that. My daughter’s reaction to being told about this book was,  ”Well it was only a matter of time.” She knows me too well. It was really the idea of identical triplets…