Guest Blogger: Samantha Kay ~ Erotic Romance Author
Guest Author / January 23, 2013

Please make a warm welcome to my guest blogger, Samantha Kay.Hello and thank you Jan for this opportunity! I am a writer of M/M romance/contemporary/erotica -but I am very new to it! I’ve been writing for about a year, and self-published one book so far, though I have many other works in progress. Hopefully this year will entail me developing as a writer, and publishing a few more books! Q. Where did you get the idea for With Regret?Honestly? It literally just came out of nowhere! I just suddenly had this thought of writing about a couple going through a really emotional time, and went from there.Q. Tell us a bit about the hero and heroine in With Regret?Well, there’s Jacob, who’s sweet and loving, but sometimes annoyingly insecure and naïve. And then there’s Phil, who is…well…a bit of a sod really to say the least. He worships the ground Jacob walks on, but ends up hurting him badly by straying. There is more as to why Phil’s the way he is though, which is uncovered as the story progresses.  Q. What are you working on right now, and what can we expect from you next?I’m working on Part Two of With…