Love Lessons with the Texas Billionaire’ has just received it’s first review from Manicreaders, and it’s 5 STARS!! Author, Jan Bowles has officially won me over as a fan. I didn’t think she could top her first novel The Return but with her latest one she has done just that. Jack had the Texas charm that you couldn’t help but fall for, even when he was smirking. Eva is a spitfire. She really tested Jack’s patience. No matter ...
My name is Jan Bowles and I’m an author of contemporary romances. I live with my husband in an old farmhouse in rural Lincolnshire, England, in the UK. When I’m not writing I paint large landscapes and sweeping vistas. I also love walking, and looking in old antique shops. There just might be something someone has overlooked. If you’d like to know more about me please visit my WEBSITE or FACEBOOK page. Let me introduce you to my...
The cover for The Return has just won an award from Classic Romance Revival for their January competition. And will now go forward to their competition for the cover of the year award at the end of 2010. Their Classic Cover Contest, celebrates the “face” of Classic Romance and the authors and artists “behind” them – and, of course, the books “inside” them! A big thank you must go to the artist who created it. Well done J...
Hi everyone, so glad you could make it to Siren-Bookstrand Author’s Seven Days of Valentines. Check out the other contemporary authors Barbra Novac, Sandy James, and Karenna Colcroft, on contemporary day 7th February 2010. Information available on the Siren Loop Please read through my blog, and leave a comment. If you would like to take part in the competition, read-on and answer a simple question. With Valentines Day just around th...
Hi everyone I’m running a competition along side Siren-Bookstrand authors. Don’t forget to come back on the 7th when I’ll be asking a question. All you have to do is email it. The prize is a copy of ‘Lessons in Love’ which is due to be released on 16th February. Hope to see you soon. Jan x...
Hi everyone, just had to share my news ‘Love Lessons with the Texas Billionaire’ has a cover and it is absolutely fabulous. Jinger heaston the artist has done a wonderful job. She has brought Eva. St. John, and Jack McClaine to life. ‘Love Lessons with the Texas Billionaire’ is now due for release from Siren-Bookstrand on the 16th february 2010...
What’s in a Name? Readers and authors alike may have pondered this question many times. What exactly is in name, and does it really matter? Speaking specifically as an author, a great deal of thought has gone into naming the characters, and title of a book. We just want to get it right. Just suppose that Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind had been called John Butler. Would we have still thought him the hero? Margaret Mitchell the auth...
I think Jinger did a lovely job with this cover. To me it is very romantic. In case you don’t know what the book is about, I’ll just add the blurb: Whilst on assignment in Iraq, English TV presenter and journalist Robert Tremayne is captured by the Islamic Jihad and held hostage. His soul mate, Marielle, can barely come to terms with her loss but tries to move on with her life. Two years later Robert is discovered alive. Marielle is...
I just had to share a wonderful review I received from Manicreaders Release Date: 12/01/09 Publisher: Siren Publishing Genre: Contemporary Romance ISBN: 1-60601-622-9 Pages: 147 Format: E-Book List Price: 4.99 Buy Here MR Reviewer: Cheryl I received 4.5 stars!!! The Return by Jan Bowles Robert Tremayne went off to Iraq, two years ago. In the mean time, Marielle Stevens had to let Robert go when she was told he was captured and killed. M...
It was January 2009, when my husband went into the loft to return the Christmas decorations. “Remember these?” he asked as he handed me three manuscripts. They’d all been written over fifteen years ago. “I do remember them,” I said. “Put them back.” But he insisted I read them again. I’m glad I did. I thought I can do better than that. Now I’ve had a recent release published by Siren-Bookstrand, and ‘Lessons in Lov...